Approximately 23 Syrian refugee women have now successfully completed both their practical and theory Montessori exams and soon they will receive their official Montessori certifications. Another 10 continue to work towards their certification.

In fact, the MACTE (Montessori Accreditation Council for Teacher Education) team had a ‘virtual’ visit in August 2018 to both projects in Istanbul, Turkey and Amman, Jordan where they met the adult students and toured the classrooms. They were very impressed by the students and their in-depth knowledge of the Montessori philosophy.

Maha is extremely grateful to one particular friend/donor who donated close to $20,000 for the certification of all the teachers. Additionally, he made another generous contribution towards establishing another school for the newly certified teachers. This school is in Istanbul; it has one class for an infant/toddler program and two others for 3-6-year olds. 

One 3-6 classroom is already established however, they are still in need of funds to set up the rest of the classrooms….and sponsor some children to be able to attend.

Maha’s Montessori Mission wants to offer this unique and valuable Montessori education, not just to those who can afford the school fees but to all children. They are looking for sponsorships for those financially struggling children and families.

Monthly school fees are $120 for a full-time student; $55 for a half day student. For a one-time donation of $1440 you can sponsor a child for a year of full-time Montessori education. 

Please consider making a DONATION today and imagine the difference that will make in their lives!