If you didn't already know, Asheville has won 'Beer City USA' most years since 2009! Boasting more breweries per capita than any other US city, over 100 local beers can be enjoyed in and around the area. Each of our breweries has its own unique atmosphere and personality and the same could be said for the beer. Which is why we're teaming up with several of our local breweries this year to not only support our 'Summer Love' projects, but to begin promoting World Refugee Day on June 20th.
We are seeking to build long term partnerships with the region's breweries, that support refugee children and educate/engage the public, through HADAYA TOYS. Our ultimate vision is to have a yearly nationwide event (much like Dining Out For Life) on or around June 20th - World Refuge Day. We believe that Asheville is already a model for the rest of the country in forward-thinking community engagement, and we want to be the first to rally our community around the refugee crisis - the largest humanitarian disaster since WW2.
So come on out and raise a glass for refugees! A portion of the profits on these 'pint days and nights' will go to support HADAYA TOYS!!
CATAWBA BREWING - May 24th - 'Revenuers Red Ale' Pint Day
GREEN MAN BREWERY - May 28th - 'Balancer Summer Ale' Release Pint Day
OSKAR BLUES BREWERY - June 2nd - Hadaya Benefit Night, w/ live music
HI-WIRE BREWING - June 9th - Hadaya Benefit Night
And if you need a little (or a lot) of guidance about all of our breweries, then we highly suggest you head over to Asheville Ail Trail for 'everythingyoueverneedtoknowaboutbeerbreweriesandevents' :)
Thank you brewers, we love our town and community!