"Dear friends, I just returned from Istanbul and Amman, where I visited my interns and observed them working with the children. They are making a remarkable progress in presenting the Montessori materials and observing the children to learn more about their needs. They are working in harmony with each other.  I will be visiting them again for their final observation at the end of June. 

Kitty Bravo, Director of the Center for Guided Montessori Studies, is working with MACTE (Montessori Accreditation Council for Teacher Education) on finalizing the process for obtaining Montessori certification for our Syrian refugee interns. 

There is a lot of interest in our interns now because of their unique Montessori education and knowledge. We have certainly empowered them and provided an opportunity to earn a living. In the meantime, they are shaping futures and changing lives of future generations.  

I've spoken to several groups in Amman and Istanbul who are interested in starting projects for our new Montessori teachers. There is also a school in Amman who wants to hire four of my teachers, so I am working on securing jobs for them, God willing, things will work out! 

We still need donations to help pay a translator to translate into Arabic all the Montessori resources of CGMS. Additionally, we are in need of fundamental Montessori materials for the classrooms. If you can help, please click here to DONATE or check Maha's Montessori page for more information.

Thank you again, my friends, for all your support."
